Overview of the Subjects Studied
You start with Fundamentals of Construction Law. This looks at the construction contract from the ground up. We focus on the common law of England and Wales, and we look in depth at the way that the contractual relationship is created. We only consider standard forms in passing. If you are not familiar with finding and understanding case law at the start of this module, you will be by the end.
Next up is Construction Contracts - Operation and Administration which is in some ways the opposite of the first module, in that the focus is squarely upon standard form contracts, and how they work and are administered.
The third module, studied during the first Summer, is Liability and Complexity when we look even deeper at the law surrounding the construction process and explore the awkward areas arising from the multiparty nature of the construction process, novation, assignment, contribution, insurance, professional indemnity and the like.
Finally, from September in the second year you study Dispute Resolution - Law and Practice. This provides an overview of all the major forms of dispute resolution used in construction before focussing in on statutory adjudication as practised in the UK and also some arbitration.
After these four modules, Masters students continue to follow either the MSc or LLM module and to prepare a construction law related dissertation over the next two semesters.